Monday, May 25, 2009

what i wore today 5/24/09....

I forgot to take pics before I went out and everyone was asleep when I got home, so I had to set the self timer, which took about 100 tries and these were the best pics I could get. :(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

what? why?

this was a nearly flawless ensemble on brad pitt until the shoes. what would posess him or his stylist or anyone around him to allow him to throw on brown shoes with this? was someone under the impression that the brown shoes matched the lenses in the sunglasses? because they were wrong. very wrong. i hate when a perfectly put together outfit is ruined with the wrong shoes.

i blame angelina. (then again, i blame her for most of the ills of the world. and rightfully so.)

can you?

pic from:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

what i wore today...5/16/09

on my way to the airport to go to vegas!

Monday, May 18, 2009

what i wore today 5/15/09

Mama's Art Exhibit

My mom had an art exhibit at a local gallery showcasing some of her work. There was a great turn out and I am extrememly proud of her. The paintings are for sale and will be on display through June 4th at Mountain Shadow Gallery.

The Arteeeest, my beautiful mama.

And what I wore 5/14/09

Thursday, May 14, 2009

tres chic!

(pics from stylesightings)